Single Life Ministry

Christian Singles Ministry

Single life ministry is designed to enrich the lives of Single Adults of all ages, stages, and phases of life’s journey through on-campus thought -provoking sessions, and off-campus social interaction and events.
Our Mission is to create and support an environment where single adults embrace their season of single-hood and understand the unique opportunity they have for spiritual and personal growth, and total commitment to God.
This environment will outline and encourage ways to live a healthy & satisfying single life through biblical teachings, prayer meetings, educational seminars, and empowering events & activities.
Encouraging strong family bonds and hosting family-friendly activities are essential parts of our Church’s Ministry. However, the single members of our Church also need opportunities to bond and grow in faith.
We recognize that “single” is not a singular subject. Never-married, divorced, separated and widowed adults and single parents are all part of that category, but their needs and interests can be very different. We consider how establishing Singles Ministries will help our community.
Here are some things you need to know about our Christian Singles Ministry:
A staff position with responsibility for this area demonstrates our Church’s commitment. Our leader is not single but is spiritually grounded, and is able to respond to Pastoral needs and have excellent communication and organizational skills.
We create and encourage singles-only activities, but it doesn’t stop there. We integrate singles into the general Church population and help them to feel a part of the Church as a whole and to contribute alongside other members.
Our Singles’ Ministry offer individuals the chance to work together on projects, to gather for social activities like movie night or bowling, or simply to carpool to Worship and other Church activities.
Our Singles’ Ministry incorporates outreach. We offer meals to the homeless, visiting the sick at a hospital and more.
At our Singles’ Ministry meetings, we try to Tackle “single” issues, such as divorce, relationships and loneliness, from a biblical perspective. We discuss these issues in a safe setting with others who are in the same stage of life which is more comfortable for many singles rather than talking about them in a more diverse group.
We focus on teaching participants how to lead a healthy, happy Christian life, regardless of whether they have a partner or not. We allow them to find their own love-even if it happens to be within the ministry.

As this tree is Flourishing, and the river flows, so shall you Flourish in this festive season and beyond, your success shall know no bound, this is my prayer for you.