All Nations New Testament Church of God Fellowship
Children’s Ministry
Children are a blessing from the Lord. With these blessings also come responsibilities. As stewards of God’s children, parents are responsible for helping children grow physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Churches have a responsibility toward children, too. We want to provide an environment in which children are safe, are taught at an age-appropriate level, and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
We minister to the spiritual needs of our children through our children’s ministry. The need for this ministry is evident in that many young people reach adulthood and decide not to follow Christ. They had not been prepared to accept him as their Savior. One reason for this is that some churches do not have an effective ministry to children. They do not have a ministry to help them receive Jesus into their lives.
Role of our children’s ministry
Our children’s ministry is active and has a great opportunity for activities that assist the church in spreading the gospel. Children of non-Christians are invited to our children’s ministry.
Children can make friends, parents can make friends, and the non-Christian friends are invited to our additional church activities, such as small group meetings and worship services.
Children’s ministry helps our church growth by making it easier for new people to attend services. Parents are able to listen to the messages without distractions. They are confident that their children are loved, and that they enjoy spending time at church and making new friends.
We want visitors, including parents as well as children, to enjoy the visit. We want parents to be able to participate in the worship and to listen to the sermon, and we want the children to learn something in a positive environment.
Our children’s ministry helps the church’s biological growth because it teaches children about their Savior. It gives them facts and experiences that help them learn about and respond to Jesus. The existence of our children’s ministry helps validate the importance of children within the church. As a result, children feel welcomed and loved at church.
Our children’s ministry brings adults and children together who might not otherwise get to know each other. This contributes to the building of bonds within the body of Christ. It also brings children together with others their own age, encouraging long-term friendships.
The goal of our children’s ministry is to lead children toward knowing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
The mission of Sunday School is to carry out the Great Commission to children, youth, and adults in preparation for a lifetime of Christian holiness. Sunday school provides a structure for teaching God’s Word. Preaching isn’t enough. A systematic teaching of the Scriptures – not just preaching (Acts 5:42) needs to occur through all age levels. Children, youth, and adults need opportunities for discovery, review, and interaction as they study God’s principles.