Convention Happenings
2021 Banquet
Annual General Convention 2021
All Nations New Testament Church of God Fellowship 20th Annual General Convention was held at our Headquarters Church located at 4351W Oakland Park Blvd, Lauderdale Lakes FL 33313 on July 21-25, 2021, under the leadership of our General Overseer Bishop Dr. Evan A. Grant with the theme taken from Revelation 3 verse 13 “He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith to the churches”.
The first night of our Convention, our Praise and Worship team lead us into worship under the anointing of the Holy Ghost, led by Minister Julian Plummer Praise Team Leader, after which Our General Overseer Bishop Evan Grant along with all the Pastors that were present (adorned in their Clergy Gowns) marched in, then lined up on the rostrum facing the congregation. Our General Overseer then asked the Pastors and the congregation to stand and put their hands in the air, the Holy Ghost then endued the Church with power. Our General Overseer opened our Convention uttering these words out of his mouth “Dear God…….”, with tears coming down his face and all the Pastors beside him with his hands in the air he uttered the theme of the convention “He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith to the churches” and urged all the Pastors to lead their congregation from their knees.
During the first night of our Convention, Bishop asked all the Pastors present to greet the Convention. Pastor Elsie Morgan, the Host Pastor for the May Pen All Nations New Testament Church of God Fellowship, told us about the difficult time they had decking the roof of the church, where the first time they decked it the entire roof collapsed. Thanks be to God the decking is now completed and standing firm in the name of Jesus. Pastor Joy Wright presently the Host Pastor of the New York All Nations New Testament Church of God Fellowship who succeeded Pastor Lynford George Chambers who passed during the time of Covid-19 last year, greeted the Convention on behalf of the members, this was the first Church our Bishop planted in the United States of America. There were members of the New York church that were present at our Convention this year. As the Bishop and General Overseer of All Nations New Testament Church of God Fellowship, I would like to Honor Pastor Lynford George Chambers for his faithfulness and for the work he has done.
We had Presenters throughout the week who under the anointing and unction of the Holy Spirit teach the word of God and lead prayer meeting.
Rev Joy Wright the Host Pastor for the New York All Nations New Testament Church of God Fellowship was the first Bible teacher on Wednesday at the 10:00 AM session. She taught profoundly on Revelation 3 1-13. Our Convention continued with our 7:00 PM session where Rev Shane Gillette out of Montego Bay Jamaica was the speaker Wednesday to Friday nights. The power of God moved immensely each night as Rev Shane gave us a message directly from the throne room of God…. He told us “We belong here” so no matter how difficult our situation looks; we are right where God wants us to be.
Thursday July 22 our Bible teacher was Pastor Steve Ryu one of our Korean Pastor from New Jersey. He not only taught Revelation 3 1-13 but was very instrumental in helping to serve in the food distribution as Thursday was food distribution to the community at large.
Saturday morning our prayer meeting was hosted by Apostle Bernard Constantine guest Pastor from St Mary, Jamaica. Prayer plays an integral role in every aspect of our lives. One way to emulate the Theme “He that hath an ear” and putting it into action is by speaking to God through prayer…. After our early morning prayer Authentic Jamaican Breakfast was served.
Our Convention events continued Saturday evening at 7:00 PM with a formal Banquet where our General Overseer Bishop Evan Grant, all our Pastors from various churches along with members and friends dressed in their best outfits. We were all happy to be out dancing giving God praise and fellowshipping with each other as last year due to the pandemic we were not able to gather like this. With the dynamic Duo MCs of Rev. Shane Gillette and Missionary Angelisa Simpson our evening was very eventful and filled with prizes, and surprises, we all had a great time in the Lord.
On Sunday Morning Rev Lionel Bennett, a young man out of Jamaica/Ft Lauderdale FL preached under the anointing of the Holy Ghost, he remined us that the Church must be the Church. He quoted the scripture Matthew 16:18 “upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”.
During our Sunday morning worship service, our General Overseer asked the Korean All Nations New Testament Church of God Fellowship Host Pastor from Georgia, Pastor Sang Jo to brings to the Convention. She was excited to greet the Convention that during her greetings she told us that “this is her first time so she is not going to miss her opportunity to give us a message from the Lord”.
In our evening service at 6:30 PM Bishop Ordained Korean missionaries, Korean Pastor, Ministers from the Headquarters, did installation of department heads and also made presentations for outstanding support during the Pandemic of 2020, and presented Pastor Linford Grant a Diploma for a Bible course he did.
Our General Overseer Bishop Evan Grant was looking forward to seeing the State Overseer Bishop Josue Acaico, the Pastors, and members of the Philippines All Nations New Testament Church of God Fellowship but dues to the Pandemic they were not able to attend so they sent their greetings. Presently we have 7 Churches in the Philippines, we are praying that the Lord will remove the Covid-19 that plagues our nation so that next year our Pastors and members from the Philippines will be able to attend our General Convention.
Listen While Jesus speaks Matthew 16:18
“Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”.
Let us continue to pray for all our churches during this difficult time because WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.